The guest speaker of Arkas Talks, Clinical Psychologist Beyhan Budak, provided valuable insight about psychological first aid and post-disaster mental resilience. Budak said that it is crucial to get rid…
Choosing a sports school for children can significantly contribute to their physical and mental development, as well as help them explore their interests. Parents who are interested in enrolling their…
Meteroite Luxury Bag The Mini Meteorite Swipe Bag, a handbag made from a meteorite that landed in the south of France 55,000 years ago, has garnered attention on social media…
Over the past few years, climate change has increasingly emphasized the problem of water scarcity, and its impact on droughts, sea level rise, floods, and storms has made water a…
Hosted by Cesme Marina the Eayk-Cesme Marina Winter Trophy, which consists of 6 race legs, came to an end. In the trophy held in the Aegean Open Sea Yacht Club…