SPARC #5665: A Team Making a Difference in Sustainability with Innovative Approaches

Arkas Line, which has taken on the sponsorship of the SPARC #5665 robotics team within the scope of sustainability projects, is a team founded by mentor Abidin Zenginler in 2015. The team works to increase students’ interest in the STEM field and encourage them for their future careers. Last year, they won the Woodie Flowers and Industrial Design awards at the FRC1 Halic Regional competition.

The high school students of the SPARC #5665 robotics team proudly represented our country in Houston, where the FRC finals took place from April 17-20, 2024. Among 600 teams from around the world, SPARC #5665 stood out as one of the best teams reflecting the FIRST® dynamics, earning the Judges Award for their unique efforts and performance.

Additionally, the SPARC #5665 team won the Sustainability award at the Bosphorus Regional FRC 2024 tournament held at the Volkswagen Arena last March, and later received the Judges Award at the Marmara Regional FRC 2024 tournament on March 22-24.

The team members mention that recycled electronic parts and reusable materials were used in the construction of the robot. They also highlight that instead of rebuilding the robot entirely each year, its fundamental elements remain the same, with only some parts being replaced. Furthermore, they engage in new project work alongside ongoing previous projects. The team members also mention that any leftover and unused materials from robot construction are given to other teams in need for a year, and in return, members of the other teams add additional elements to these materials, which are then returned to SPARC at the end of the year.

The sponsorship of Arkas Line in the context of sustainability projects for the SPARC #5665 robotics team has brought attention to the team’s achievements and emphasis on sustainability. This sponsorship continues to support Arkas Line’s efforts in the field of sustainability.