Five Stevie Awards for GlobAlive!

GlobAlive, Arkas Academy’s learning management system designed for employees at Arkas’ international offices, won 2 gold and 1 silver award in 3 categories at the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, an international award platform where more than 1,000 candidates from 35 countries were evaluated, and 2 gold awards in 2 categories at the Stevie International Business Awards.

GlobAlive, the learning management system launched by Arkas Academy in 2023 for international agencies, introduces innovations to learning management systems.

At the international award platform “Stevie Awards for Great Employers”, GlobAlive has been awarded in all three categories it applied for. GlobAlive has received 2 gold and 1 silver award in the categories of Achievement in Learning Technology Implementation, Best Use of Mobile Learning, and the Learning/Training Team of the Year.

GlobAlive has also won 2 gold awards in 2 categories at the Stevie International Business Awards.

An LMS that allows interactions

GlobAlive was designed to share the company culture as well as learning and development activities in Türkiye with Arkas’ international offices and to improve collaboration and corporate culture globally. Therefore, it has been focused on building a global learning community. Reaching 1,058 Arkas employees across 24 countries, GlobAlive launched a total of 35 virtual classrooms and 49 e-learning courses in 2023, achieving a platform utilization rate of 89%.

Out of Standards

GlobAlive, a system where employees can select training and manage all training information, offers several features that distinguish it from traditional learning management systems. These features include social learning, gamification, video and custom content, and recommendations for career and personal development-related books and movies.

In GlobAlive, which emphasizes social learning methods, each user can instantly follow posts on their news feed, access the profiles of colleagues in other countries, and comment on or like various posts. In addition to its social features, the platform allows users to follow Arkas Academy’s trainings and events and view the quotas and content of the trainings. The platform also allows users to make changes to their training plans through the system. Using the same platform, users can change or cancel the dates of trainings they cannot attend and select different trainings by accessing Arkas Academy’s annual training calendar.

In GlobAlive, which also features gamification, users log in with their Arkas Coins during each training selection period and spend these Coins to choose their trainings. Users earn points for actions such as completing tutorials, rating them, and sharing posts, which helps them climb the platform’s leaderboard. Employees at the top of the leaderboard are rewarded by the Academy at the end of the year.