Türkiye Will Start Charging Greenhouse Gas Emission Fees From Vessels Entering İts Ports

A new bill of law passed in the Turkish Grand National Assembly aims to enhance the country’s international competitiveness in transportation and logistics by aligning with international standards. The legislation anticipates significant changes in Türkiye’s transportation sector.

Notably, new regulations such as “Greenhouse Gas Emission Fees from Vessels Entering Ports” are introduced to reduce environmental impacts. Fees will be levied on commercial ships for their emissions upon entering and exiting ports, with proceeds supporting research and transformation activities for green maritime initiatives. These measures aim to strengthen sustainability principles in the sector and make various transport methods more efficient and environmentally friendly.

The EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) calculates emissions from ships traveling between ports of EU member states at 100%, and emissions from ships arriving from outside the EU and calling at EU member state ports at 50%. This opens up the possibility for ETS application for the remaining 50% emissions from other countries. Within this framework, Türkiye aims to play an active role under the EU ETS and contribute to sustainability goals in international transportation.