Could Daylight Serve as the Primary Solution to the Energy Problem?


Climate change and global warming are intensifying the discourse on fossil fuels. The environmental repercussions of fossil fuel energy are compelling nations to broaden their utilization of environmentally sustainable energy sources and to increase investment in them. As efforts to address energy challenges gain traction, solar energy is emerging as one of the most crucial solutions to this issue. Research and investment trends indicate that solar energy could play a significant role in meeting our energy requirements by 2050. 

Fossil fuels account for 87 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. This data underscores the imperative for widespread adoption of clean energy by humanity. Therefore, it is crucial to facilitate the transition to clean energy and increase access to investments in this direction by implementing environmental policies worldwide. Solar energy stands out as one of the most significant alternatives in the current and future efforts made in this direction.

Solar energy generated by the conversion of hydrogen into helium amounts to a power of 1370 W/m2 outside the Earth, while on Earth it is estimated to be around 1100 W/m2. This energy source is increasingly recognized as the cleanest renewable energy option on the planet. Research indicates that energy derived from solar panels could potentially avert the emission of 4.9 gigatons of carbon dioxide per year by 2050. This estimate accounts for approximately 21 percent of the total emission reductions anticipated.

Global Installed Capacity in Solar Energy Reaches 1.2 TW

Exceeding the 1 terawatt (TW) milestone in installed capacity in 2022, the solar energy sector saw a 25 percent increase in installed capacity, reaching 1.2 TW in 2023. This figure is documented in the Solar Energy Global Market Outlook 2023 Report by Solar Power Europe, which highlights that electricity generation from solar energy has risen from 1040 TW to 1289 TW. The data in the report suggests that solar energy investments constitute two-thirds of all renewable energy investments globally. The top 10 countries in solar energy are China, USA, India, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Spain, South Korea, and the Netherlands. The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that solar power installed capacity will hold a 66 percent share in renewable energy by 2050.

The solar energy sector is also experiencing rapid development in Türkiye. According to Türkiye’s National Energy Plan published by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, the most substantial capacity increase among renewable energy sources in Türkiye is aimed to be in solar energy. Türkiye’s installed capacity is projected to increase significantly to 52.9 GW (gigawatts) by 2035. As of the end of March 2024, the distribution of installed capacity by resources is 29.6 percent hydraulic energy, 23.2 percent natural gas, 20.2 percent coal, 11.2 percent wind, 11.7 percent solar, 1.6 percent geothermal and 2.5 percent other resources.

Why is Solar Energy Important?

Awareness and concern about leaving a habitable world for future generations are on the rise. The human-induced climate crisis is prompting societies to take precautionary measures and emphasizing the importance of focusing on specific goals. One of the most critical goals is to stabilize global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius. This objective entails preventing lasting impacts on ecological systems and habitats. Staying within this limit aligns with the “net zero emissions by 2050” discourse. Halting carbon emissions is essential to prevent hunger, mitigate floods, curb migration, and safeguard species. Solar energy plays a crucial role in supporting and achieving these goals. Solar energy can contribute to restoring countries’ ecosystems, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and preventing air pollution. This translates to cleaner, more breathable air and reduces the water required for power generation.

In today’s interconnected world, where borders are increasingly blurred, technological advancements and a rapidly expanding population are driving up the demand for energy. Unsustainable fossil fuels and their environmental repercussions are propelling renewable energy sources to the forefront. As renewable energy technologies progress in energy production, nations grapple with political, economic, and environmental challenges. The imperative for a unified global approach to address the unsustainable nature of fossil fuels and their environmental consequences, and the sustainability of such an approach, looms large as a critical issue for nations worldwide.

Bilgen D. (2024,01 Nisan). Gün ışığı ekonomisi: Güneş, enerji kerizine çözüm için ticari bir strateji, Nasıl Bir Ekonomi, 02.