According to Merriam-Webster, the Word of 2023 is “Authentic”

Merriam-Webster, one of the most recognized sources for the English language, has declared ‘authentic’ as the word of the year for 2023. The announcement on Merriam-Webster’s website mentioned that the interest in the word of the year stemmed from developments in artificial intelligence and social media.

America’s oldest dictionary, Merriam-Webster, selected the word ‘authentic,’ which conveys meanings such as real, reliable, genuine, and original, as the word of 2023. The dictionary publisher announced that the interest in this word originated from online searches and conversations. According to the explanation on Merriam-Webster’s internet portal, the popularity of the word ‘authentic’ increased as the line between real and fake became increasingly blurred. It was also emphasized that another highly searched word was ‘deepfake,’ which is used for technology based on artificial intelligence that enables the creation of fake videos.

According to Merriam-Webster, the explosion of artificial intelligence fueled this ambiguity, increasing interest in the authenticity of texts, images, and videos. The publisher stated that brands, social media influencers, and celebrities contributed to making this word popular. Among them, Elon Musk, owner of X, who advocates for people to be more authentic on social media, was mentioned.

Among the most used words in 2023, ‘rizz,’ meaning romantic charm or allure and commonly used on social media, and ‘indict’ (accusation), which gained attention after former U.S. President Donald Trump faced charges in four separate legal cases, were notable. The term ‘coronation’ (coronation ceremony) was also among the highly searched words following Charles III’s coronation as the new king in May.

In 2022, Merriam-Webster chose ‘gaslighting,’ which means manipulating someone to the extent that it causes them to question their own truths or beliefs, as the word of the year.,xvMNdovMHUSuur_zty8CkA