It is getting harder and harder to contribute to a healthy balance between life and the digital world, and to keep a distance between us and the digital world in daily life without denying the existence and development of technology. It is even more important now to remember to reconsider the habit of use of smartphones and social media and to be aware of the correct use of technology.
Significant steps are being taken to create a culture of conscious and balanced use of technology in the society, and for the balanced and healthy use of technology/digital, which has started to be accepted as an important problem in the world today.
So why is digital balance important?
- The point reached in people’s relationship with technology is creating an alarm across the world and solutions are sought without giving up on technology.
- We are at a tipping point in our relationship with digital devices. It is necessary to gain awareness for the use of the digital world in a healthier and happier way by protecting our minds, bodies and relationships.
- According to research, people are becoming increasingly more aware of their addiction to electronic devices and are worried about this addiction.
- Users are exhausted; excessive and unconscious use has several impacts on the economy.
- Today, many problems that negatively affect our physical, psychological and mental health, and even some social problems, are now associated with the unconscious and excessive use of digital.
- Despite all the risks it creates, the use of digital is unavoidable and when digital is used correctly, it offers opportunities that we have never had before.

So, have you ever thought about the evolving netiquette, that is, the etiquette of the internet, arising from the unbalanced use of technology and digital? Let’s analyze together to what extent the rules of etiquette, guiding our social life in the modern age, have changed in the use of technology and what we should pay attention to…
- Maintain the attitude you ascribe to yourself in the face of society, also in the virtual environment of the internet, and do not exhibit any behavior that you do not adopt in your real life, hoping that you can hide your identity.
- Remember that it is common sense to adopt a positive attitude and make use of kind expressions when expressing your thoughts.
- Do not cause discussions to become privatized and personalized.
- Do not allow the spread of messages that are emotionally damaging and disturbing to people.
- Prevent people from being disturbed by receiving unsolicited messages as much as you can, do not become a cause.
- When you want to forward an e-mail sent to you to someone else, make sure that the sender wants it or not. Don’t Send Messages That Do Not Make Sense
- When communicating, do not send unnecessary messages that will be considered meaningless.
- When you want to send an electronic newsletter to inform and keep you informed of developments, make sure that the person you send the message can specify, following your first announcement, whether they want to stay on the distribution or announcement list, do not disturb those who do not express their desire to stay in the list.
- Do not send a long text or document on a website as an attachment to an e-mail, just specify the address and subject of this text or document and give its virtual address so that it can be accessed and viewed.
- Warn those who send messages that intensify the message traffic, contribute to the formation of legal measures to be taken against those who insist, and support the implementation of sanctions.
- Do not hide your public identity unless you have a valid reason.
If you find it appropriate to express your opinions and thoughts anonymously in situations where identity is not important, do so carefully without abusing it.
Always include the subject line of the message you reply to in your reply.
Try to convey your thoughts, using plain and simple expressions that correspond to what you want to say and will not lead to any misunderstandings. Do Not Be Persistent - Do not insist on the issues mentioned before in the discussion lists unless they will lead to an additional contribution, and do not insist on making your own opinion accepted by ignoring a result that has emerged.
- Avoid unnecessary use of capital letters, frequent use of special symbols, and humorous or sarcastic expressions.
- Be attentive not to infringe the property rights, and do not attempt to claim someone else’s data sources, thoughts and software as your own.
- Respect the personal rights and private lives of others and do not make defamatory comments about others.
- Do not cause or condone the malicious use of the opportunities provided by the internet environment such as harming people illegally, hindering the work of others, seizing and exploiting confidential and personal information, all kinds of illegal act, corruption, fraud or theft.
- Do not advertise yourself or the products and services you represent.
Take care to comply with the measures to be taken against security-damaging and disruptive attempts, when in doubt, inform your internet service provider or corporate officer directly and help take precautions.