Double Awards for Arkas Automotive

Arkas Holding subsidiary Arkas Automotive has received awards from Ford and Volvo dealerships’ competitions.

Arkas Automotive Ford Secures First Place at the Ford Dealer Training Sales and After-Sales Dealer Olympics.

For the first time this year, Arkas Automotive participated in the Ford Dealer Training Sales and After-Sales Dealer Olympics and secured the first-place position.

The Olympics, designed to create effective synergy among business partners and authorized dealers, subjected the teams formed for sales and after-sales to online tests. The teams that made it to the finals underwent case studies in addition to practical station evaluations and a short Ford history quiz. At the end of the process, Arkas Automotive Ford Izmir emerged as the winner.

Arkas Automotive Ankara Volvo Takes Second Place in the All-Star Competition.

This year, one of the firsts in the automotive sector was the Volvo All-Star Competition. Arkas Automotive earned the second-place award with the performance of its team, consisting of expert personnel from the Ankara Volvo showrooms within Arkas Automotive, in the tests and evaluations conducted at all stages of sales by Volvo Cars TR.

Arkas Automotive, which stands apart from the conventional dealership structure in Türkiye, adopts a multi-brand, innovative approach aimed at meeting the expectations of its customers and the industry in a modern and reliable manner. It places customer satisfaction at the forefront in all circumstances, offering post-sales services, automotive financing services, second-hand car trade, and operational leasing services.

Arkas Automotive conducts the sale and servicing of Ford, Opel, Volvo, Citröen, Peugeot, Maserati, MG, Suzuki, Subaru, and Chevrolet brand automobiles and light commercial vehicles. It currently serves at sales and service points in Ankara, Bursa, Istanbul, and Izmir.