Nutritionist and Sustainable Living Activist Dilara Kocak was a guest at the Green Talks organized by the Arkas Blues for Green platform. Kocak drew attention to the necessity of sustainable soil, air and seas for people to have a healthy diet. “We have to reduce our carbon footprint,” Kocak said.
Every day we are becoming more urbanized, we are consuming more and more. The world population is growing and natural resources are dwindling fast. According to experts, the soil is sick, the air is sick and the seas are sick. These must be remedied so we can have a healthy diet. Dilara Kocak met Arkas employees at the Green Talks organized by the Arkas Blues for Green platform within the scope of sustainability-oriented events and talked about sustainable living and the issues that need to be addressed for the future. Kocak stated that our diet should be reviewed in terms of the health of our planet. At the online event, which attracted a large number of participants, Kocak said that every week 1 credit card-sized microplastic is taken into the human body through food. Pointing out the importance of reducing the carbon and water footprint for the future of our world and new generations, Kocak said that people should give up their negative impact on the world.