Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoglu had suhoor, a morning meal eaten by Muslims during Ramadan before dawn, with Marport workers. Reminding the place and importance of export in/for the Turkish economy, Karaismailoglu has continued: “Our ports are vital in this regard. Here at Marport Port Complex, you are carrying out 25 percent of Turkey’s total container transportation. That’s why you are of great value.”
Marport, Turkey’s largest private container port, has recently hosted the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Adil Karaismailoglu. Having gathered with Marport workers at suhoor, the minister has shared the latest developments in the transportation sector and his expectations for the upcoming period.
“Your Contribution Will Grow in the Next Years”
After his observations at the port, the minister said: “You are working for the infrastructure of Turkey that is to become a global power in the logistics sector, a great country that will guide global and logistics movements. For this, we are grateful to all of you.” Karaismailoglu has pointed out that nearly 90 percent of the world trade volume of 12 billion tons is made by sea and added: “Our ports are vital in this regard. Here at Marport Port Complex, you are carrying out 25 percent of Turkey’s total container transportation. That’s why you are of great value. Hopefully, the contribution of Marport to export will grow in the coming years by enhancing the capacity of this place.”
Our Export Target is 250 Billion Dollars
Karaismailoglu continued his speech: “At our ports, we broke records last year by increasing our exports to 225 billion dollars, and all thanks to you. Our target this year is to achieve 250 billion dollars. In the coming years, this figure will increase to 500 billion dollars. By setting higher targets, we are making big moves in transport infrastructure. Nothing can stop us now. In the upcoming years, Turkey’s economy will be among the world’s 10 largest developed economies and we will become a global superpower that guides logistics movements in the world.”
Established under the partnership of Arkas and Terminal Investment LTD., a global container port operator, Marport keeps breaking new ground in Turkey with its modern practices regarding port layout plans, state-of-the-art equipment, new generation terminal operating system and pioneering investments.
Marport makes a significant contribution to Turkish foreign trade by managing 20 percent of the freight traffic in the Marmara Region and 12 percent of the total freight traffic in Turkey. While Marport handled 1.503.254 TEU in 2021, the target for 2022 has been set as 1.644.000 TEU with an increase of approximately 10%.