Designed as a boutique academy that aims to improve the leadership skills of managers within the Port and Terminal Services Group of Arkas Holding, the Leadership Academy has been introduced to all managers at the opening meeting. The meeting was held with the presentations of President Özgür Kalelioğlu and Human Resources Director Kemal Murat in March.
The Leadership Academy includes two different transformation journey programs called Alesta and Pruva. Being structured according to the leadership competencies that are defined in the Leadership Model of the Port and Terminal Services Group, these two programs have been designed for junior and mid-level managers. The programs will be joined by a total of 60 managers.
Alesta and Pruva are designed and performed in a way that will continue not only throughout the year with 3 and 4 modules consisting of different contents prepared for the current need but also in the following period with new modules given on a regular basis according to the motto of continuous development. In order to have participants discover their strength, potential and areas to improve as per the Leadership Model by using the personality inventory application and receiving one-to-one coaching feedback, these programs offer participants tools, various module based trainings, the chance to work on real issues between modules with active learning, personal development plans, systemic leadership, leadership communication, coach-like leadership, performance management, change leadership, interactive and dynamic teamwork and management tools that leaders can benefit from.
The aim of the programs given at the Leadership Academy is to provide guidance for managers in terms of personal development, teamwork and leadership.