Having attended the 6th Economy and Logistics Summit as speaker, Alp Capa, Vice President of the Ports and Terminal Services Group, has evaluated the impacts of the pandemic on maritime transportation.
While the whole world is heading towards a new economy with the pandemic, supply chain processes are getting more important than ever before. This issue has been discussed in depth at the 6th Economy and Logistics Summit held on August 25-26. Alp Capa, Vice President of the Ports and Terminal Services Group, has participated as speaker in the “Maritime Transportation and Ports” session of the summit. Capa has shared his evaluations to the questions: “How has Covid-19 affected maritime transportation and ports? As a country that has increased its logistic importance, which policies should Turkey adopt in terms of maritime transport?” Furthermore, Capa has also shared his suggestions and anticipations for the future of the sector with the audience.