A pioneer of investments which take the logistics sector further, with its motto “The Power Behind Logistics”, Arkas Logistics introduced its new initiative, www.shipeedy.com to cater to the needs of customers regarding ‘transportation at digital-speed’ in a proactive approach, which will also contribute to Turkey’s foreign trade. Arkas Logistics CEO, Onur Göçmez, Arkas Logistics General Manager, Serhat Kurtuluş, and Arkas Logistics Strategic Transformation and Customer Experience Coordinator, Emre Ertürk attended the press conference organized on Wednesday, December 8th, in Istanbul.
Starting his speech by assessing the effects of the pandemic on the world as well as on Turkey in terms of the logistics sector, Arkas Logistics CEO, Onur Göçmez, stated “The whole world and all sectors have experienced a challenging two years under the pandemic conditions, which we are still going through. Every period of crisis brings its own opportunities along. This crisis period, too, can as well provide the logistics sector and Turkey with new opportunities. During the supply crisis, Turkey becomes a prominent alternative reliable supplier thanks to its location. In this period, Turkish exporters have been creating a good account of themselves through their experience and trying to turn the crisis into an opportunity.
We expect the trading volumes with close regions to increase due to growing expenses and ongoing problems related to the supply chain. We have the potential for becoming a logistics hub thanks to our geographic proximity to European countries. However, we need to consider the matter at hand with a long-term perspective. Integration of transportation modes holds great importance. Turkey has the capacity for managing transit cargoes, backed by its geographical location, ports and manpower. Turning Turkey into a transit hub by making a good use of railway, airway and highway networks in a strategic manner will make our country very powerful.”
A 31% percent growth
Göçmez continued “As Arkas Logistics, we are ending the year 2021 with a 31% growth on the previous year. While we continue improving in our areas of operation, we also keep investing into lines of business as well as regions where we see a potential”.
From being a regional power to the goal of globalization: Arkas Logistics
Arkas Logistics CEO, Onur Göçmez remarked “We are acting as a regional power with our Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, China and Greece offices abroad with the vision of being a logistics company that provides with fast, reliable and quality logistics services” and added “We aim to become a logistics company which provides with a global services network, for which we have been expanding our international services network. We are opening our new office in America-New Jersey on January 1st, 2022. In addition to the CIS region where our service network is broad, we continue pursuing new opportunities. We are expanding our business network with our strategic stakeholders worldwide. As a part of our strategy for growing abroad, we are improving the scope of our inter-modal transportation services catered to European countries. We continue growing through the new services that we provide for our customers in line with our aim for globalization in air cargo and partial transportation. Again, in line with our globalization strategy, we reached to the last phase in our Turquality project, and soon we will obtain our certificate.”

Reminding that, Arkas has been embracing the concept “Change is the only constant” Göçmez expressed “Sometimes you need to start the change and sometimes you need to adapt to it, and we are good at this practice. Therefore, we did not a have hard time while adapting to the changes that took place during the pandemic period in which the whole world and all sectors had to evolve.
The digital address for the logistics: www.shipeedy.com
Also sharing information on Arkas Logistics’ digital platform, Shipeedy, Arkas Logistics CEO, Onur Göçmez, spoke as follows: “The new generation digital logistics platform Shipeedy was established to provide Arkas Logistics’ quality and reliability for all entities engaging with exports-imports, especially for small and medium sized enterprises, as well as to facilitate their logistics processes and contribute into their growth. Through Shipeedy, we enable entities to easily and seamlessly send their full (full container) and/or partial maritime cargos, airway cargos as well as railway cargos from any point in the world to another. Since the day we launched Shipeedy, September 6th, thousands of unique customers have visited our website for approximately 25,000 times. During this process, we both carried out practices to develop our system according to our customers’ expectations and also provided solutions to hundreds of service offers coming from our customers. In this sense, we believe that our services related especially to full and partial maritime cargos will draw the attention of all entities that need quality and secure logistics. We are facilitating management of our customers’ logistics operations by making on-line price offers for maritime partial cargo transportation to 750 different points, in 150 countries around the world. We will further improve our system with the new features to be added into Shipeedy in the coming period. At the same time, we will both introduce Shipeedy to the organized industrial zones all around Turkey via events to be organized in such areas and will consistently continue supporting Turkish exporters.”

Arkas Logistics General Manager, Serhat Kurtuluş stated “We are securely carrying our customers’ cargos with our own fleet, which we manage ourselves and together with our business partners which we organize. Via our Shipeedy platform, we provide quality and fast services to our customers wishing to reach us from anywhere in Turkey, and even in the world. We are aiming to provide our customers purchasing services from Shipeedy with the best customer experience where the whole process from end to end is managed by the most experienced teams. Especially in maritime partial cargo transportation, we will collect our customers’ cargos from their doors through our own vehicles and will securely transport them to 750 different points in 150 countries.”
Providing information about the story of Shipeedy and informing us on the system, Emre Ertürk said “Shipeedy came to life as an in-house entrepreneurship project. We designed its business model by closely examining the digital logistics business models around the world and analysing our potential customers’ needs. At the end, with the notion of creating a global brand name, we decided on the name Shipeedy by being inspired from the concepts of ‘Shipment’ and ‘Speedy’. Thanks to the intensive and devoted works of our Information Technologies team, we deployed the system in almost one and a half years. Now, we are serving our customers with a dedicated team of 25 members. We are reaching our customers via both traditional and digital marketing methods. We are swiftly getting in contact with our customers wishing to get services from Shipeedy through our experience centre and providing them with the logistics solutions that are most suitable for them. We are aiming to become a “super-app” which is specialized in the logistics field through new modules that we are planning to put in use in the upcoming period and to supply airway micro exportation, e-trade solutions and technology-focused B2C cargo service models to our customers.”